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Masood Ali Khan Playing at Bhakti Fest 2017

ABOUT Masood
Certified Universal Energy practitioner Instructor.
Certified 2nd level Reiki Practitioner.
Certified Diploma Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sri Lanka.
Certified PhD from OICUM Sri Lanka Universal Energy Healing.
Certified Foundation Training Instructor.
Certified 500 Hr Rasa Yoga Teacher Training
Certified Heather Lyle Vocal Yoga Method.
Certified Al Gore’s Climate Reality Leader.
Trainings with Men & Shadow & Life Skills:
Robert Augustus Masters PhD: 18 month Co ed Advanced Professional Training
Robert Augustus Masters PhD: 18 month Mens Group Mentorship - Devoted To Core-level work and support.
Robert Augustus Masters PhD: 5 day Mens Group Assistant.
Robert Augustus Masters PhD: 5 day Co Ed Foundational Training - Devoted To Core-level Healing, Awakening, Integration. Robert Augustus Masters PhD: weekend couples Intensive.
Malidoma Some: 4 day Mens Ritual Intensive African Ancestry - Men of Spirit Healing Deeply Together - Bringing Forth Your Gift, Purpose and Medicine.
Tony Robbins - Unleash the Power Within.
David Martin - Mind to Win.
Created- Connection to Creation. Spiritual awakening expansion and grounded integration.
Created- Back Repair Class - An integration of Foundation training, shadow work,and guided meditaion.
Created - The Rasa Heart Warrior - Backbone and breakthrough mens group - Shadow work, movement, meditation, drumming.
Co-creator with Sianna Sherman - Alchemy of Love Retreats- Macchu Pichu, Peru
Co-creator with Sianna Sherman - Alchemy of Love Couples retreats Esalen, CA.
Co-creator with Sianna Sherman - Alchemy of Avalon retreats. Glastonbury UK.
Co-creator with Sianna Sherman- Alchemy of Abundance 40 day Online course
Top International Fashion Model 35+ years.
Lead actor in feature film movies, TV commercials.
Professional Musician, Singer, Percussionist, Composer, Producer.
3 Music albums and featured on many music album projects.
Music Festival performing musician.
Yoga Conference/ Festival musician / teacher group facilitator.
Awarded Top 100 coolest dads by
Masood Ali Khan has a unique musical performance and voice that inspires a meditative experience and a Pioneer of singing sacred mantras with the mesmerizing combination of the 'Hang’ (drum) hand pans. Masood’s soul spirit songs are infused with the power of the heart and mind. Exploring ‘Music as Medicine and prayer, a believer in love for the earth and humanity through ‘Connection to Creation’
He has released acclaimed music albums and recorded and performing with countless with world class musicians.
He was born in London with Indian/Muslim parents. Masood has been practicing yoga for over 25 years, and embodies an innate spiritual desire to continue his humble soul mission to help humanity with every talent.
Masood studied and practiced Acupuncture and homeopathy and received his PhD at the Open International University of Complementary Medicine in Colombo, Sri Lanka where he was also was head of the faculty for Universal Energy from his Universal Energy teacher 'Master Luong Minh Dang and presently from Dr. Theresa Thu-Thuy Nguyen at H.U.E.S.A.
Masood is a Foundation Training Student Instructor trained by Dr Eric Goodman. "Through a series of postures, poses, and movements, Foundation Training activates your posterior muscle chain, anchors the hips, decompresses the spine, and teaches you to take the burden of supporting the body out of your joints and put it where it belongs: in your muscles." Dr Eric Goodman
Masood also is a Certified Teacher for the Heather Lyle Vocal Yoga Method® Incorporating vocal exercises and postures to strength to the sounding vessel ( the whole body) . Great for beginners to overcome their fear of singing and their first steps to singing.
Masood received the divine download: “Connection to Creation’. This system is the integration of Music, Mantra & Meditation to harness Universal Energy into the body in support of wellness and vitality. He share his accumulated 20 years of knowledge and wisdom as 2 day trainings and 2- 3 hour workshops.
Offerings within Connection to Creation include:
Climate Kirtan - Inspired with the Climate reality Trainings with Al Gore i created Mantras with intentions focused on climate change awareness, so to not spiritually bypass our responsibilities in focusing on a toxic free sustainable planet for the future of our children, animal, marine and plant kingdom. Humanity and our world.
Back Repair - effective transformational postures to integrate strength to the lower back. To repair the dysfunction of modern habitual postures of sitting, slouching, computer work, gaming, driving and TV watching plus a inspiring journey’s with shadow work.
The Rasa Heart Warrior - Backbone and breakthrough for men group - More important than ever, people need to come together in groups to share the sometimes unheard challenges of their lives. To be held in safe sacred & brave space to compassionately move towards feelings and exploring emotional wounds that is known as Shadow . Men are starting to find the benefits of being in the supportive company of men, open and courageous to mine the shadowed journey to the heart, to embrace the challenges with compassion and celebrate the treasure of liberation.
Chakra Energy Medicine - Many unknown Meditation techniques that harness Prana / universal energy for the benefit of self healing, cultivation of wisdom and the healing of humanity.
PRIVATE Shadow work Zoom sessionS:
This is a private Breakthrough shadow work session (our shadow being whatever in us we are disowning or otherwise keeping in the dark)
All work is based on the work of my Teacher and mentor Robert Augustus Masters.
"I strongly recommend working with Masood, whether individually or in a group. He brings multidimensional insight, well-honed skill, and tremendous heart to the work he does — you are in good hands with him." - Robert Augustus Masters, PhD, author of Spiritual Bypassing, Emotional Intimacy, and Bringing Your Shadow Out of the Dark
“I benefitted from a support and therapy session with Masood as part of shadow work training in which we participated. I felt heard and welcomed, and I felt his heart open. He gave me a lot of support and valuable and sensitive feedback. At the end of the interview, I liked his way of connecting with his intuition and leading me into a sort of shamanic guided meditation, which came to meet the themes I had brought into the session”. - Marc-Henri Sandoz Paradella, author of « Toxic Jesus » and « Sacred Inteospection
45 minute zoom session with me guiding and exploring paths to embrace and move towards clarity, an awakening, healing and liberation.
‘Signs That Your Shadow is Present’ by Robert Augustus Masters
Once we realize that we, like everyone else, have a shadow, and don’t take this as some sort of shortcoming, we are in a position to do more with our shadow than just thinking about it.
So where to start? READ MORE HERE
Requirements for Working with Me
You have had previous psychotherapy or counseling.
You have read Robert Augustus Masters book Bringing Your Shadow Out of the Dark.
You are not currently on long-term psycho-pharmaceutical medications,
You have no active addictions. If you’ve had an addiction to minor drug use/porn/eating/alcohol, you’ll need to be at least 3 months clean/sober/free of such addiction before working with me.
You have no illicit drug usage.
An individual session on Zoom is 45 minutes for US $200.00
If you meet the above guidelines, please email me to receive an intake form.
If we have worked together already please book an session with the following link.
To work directly with my teacher Robert Augustus Masters please contact him here
Suffering from SI or back Pain?
Get back on the path to living life…
Foundation Training created by Dr Eric Goodman is a simple, practical and highly effective solution that gives you the means to change the way you move and correct the imbalances caused by our modern habits. Through a series of postures and movements, Foundation Training activates your posterior muscle chain, anchors the hips, decompresses the spine, and teaches you to take the burden of supporting the body out of your joints and put it where it belongs: in your muscles.
“In as little as 10-15 minutes a day, you can reclaim your health and your life. Most people begin to feel benefits incredibly quickly.” - Dr Eric Goodman
I am a Student Instructor of Foundation Training and has personally found this training to be great in accelerating the strengthening of his lower back and Sacro Iliaque challenges.
Contact me for 30 min private zoom sessions or small group classes Los Angeles area.
A- list actor Chris Hemsworth reveals his secret for staying fit and strong for his movies with Foundation Training. Read HERE
“I’ve never felt stronger”: Chris Hemsworth Read more:
My signature BACK REPAIR CLASS, where I incorporates Foundation Training, Yoga, Shadow work, Energy Healing Meditations and Mantras and sound technology.
Om Bhur Bhuvaḥ Swaḥa
Tat-savitur Vareñyaṃ
Bhargo Devasya Dhīmahi
Dhiyo Yonaḥ Prachodayāt
Om Gan Ganapatye Namaha
Ganesha Sharanam Sharanam Ganesha
Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram
Sita Ram Sita Ram
Jai Hanuman
Radhe Radhe Govinda Radhe x2
Radhe Govinda x2
Shri Radhe Radhe Radhe
Radhe Radhe RadheShyam
Hey Hey Govinda Hey Hey Gopala
Hey Vasudeva Hey Nityananda
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Ram Hare Ram
Ram Ram Hare Hare
Shri Krishna Govinda Hare Murare
He Natha Narayana Vasudeva
Govinda Jaya Jaya
Gopala Jaya Jaya
Radha Ramanahari
Govinda Jaya Jaya
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
Jai Shri Ma Kali Kali Ma Jai Shri Ma
Ananda Ma Durga Devi
Jagadambe Shri Ma
Om Mata Om Kali Durga Devi Namo Namah
Shakti Kundalini Jagadambe Mata
Let there be peace in your heart
Don’t let wounds tear you apart
Hey Ma Durga
Let there be love in your heart
Don’t let the world pull you apart
Hey Ma Durga
Sarva Mangala Mangalye
Shive Sarvartha Sadhike
Sharanye Tryambake Gauri
Narayani Namostute
Om Namah Shivaya
Shivaya Parameshwaraya
Chandrashekharaya Namah Om
Bhavaya Bhavaya Guna Sambavaya
Shiva Tandavaya Namah Om x2
Teyata Om Bekanze Bekanze
Maha Bekanze
Randza Samungate SoHa
Celestial Buddha
Om Namo Amitabhaya
Buddhaya, Dharmaya, Sanghaya
Om Namo, Om Namo, Om Namo, Amitabhaya
Lokha Samasta Sukino Bhavantu

Mens Innerwork & Healing Retreat in Yelapa, Mexico
October 27 – November 2, 2024
Pura Vida Retreat, Yelapa, Mexico
With Saul David Raye, Zat Baraka Elias & Masood Ali Khan
And special guests Rodrigo Balleste & Chris Depriest
Join us for a powerful week of sacred brotherhood, embodied practice, deep inner work, ceremony and the healing power of nature.
Dear Brothers {& Sisters}!
We are each a part of the whole, a part of this world and as we heal, as we do our inner work we become the healing that this world needs. We each have our own path to walk and there is also an important time to come together, to be in community, to support, process & reflect together, to challenge each other with respect and to heal together, to lift each other, ourselves and world up. There is great value and power in men being together in a healing way and doing this work. This is why we created this week to come together, be in community in a healing place and support and grow together in this journey of life as men.
Yes! We are living in powerful times and they offer us a gift. A gift of our presence, integrity and strength, an opportunity that challenges us to become better humans, better men, to ignite the fire within our hearts and souls and nurture the deeper meaning of our lives. To consider our sacred purpose in this life and bring forth the gift of our presence as men of heart and soul.
This retreat will offer the space for deep practice, healing, and the inner work needed to support you in cultivating the courage and tools to advance you on your path to mastery and purpose. Throughout the week, you will engage in a range of deep and highly effective practices, including daily embodiment and movement, meditation, transformational breath-work, men’s circle group work, and authentic healing ceremonies.
This retreat offers you a heartfelt sanctuary from everyday life, a reverently held space where your safety, growth, healing, and empowerment are our deepest commitments
It can be of great benefit to be with other men in community, in practice and in ceremony. We are inspired to be in this space with you and we welcome you to join us for a powerful, nourishing and transforming week of brotherhood, practice, presence, inquiry and inner work.
We will have daily movement, meditation and breath work practices. Group work, circles and authentic healing ceremonies including a Sacred Temezcal fire ceremony and also an optional traditional rapé ceremony. A one day vision quest on a deserted island and time to rest in silence and contemplation. We will each be challenged this week to find inner strength, courage, softness and compassion. This is a time to be truly yourself, reconnect to the Fire in your Heart, your purpose and the power of the sacred masculine presence within you.
This retreat brings together a group of men with over a 100 years of combined experience and the extraordinary power of conscious brotherhood.
All men are welcome to join us in the Spirit of peace, healing, mutual respect & inner growth.
Saul David Raye
Saul David Raye will be co-leading the Mens Inner work sessions and teaching daily movement, breath & self healing practices.
Saul has been practicing and teaching yoga, meditation and healing arts for over 30 years. Primarily influenced by his studies in Yoga, Bhakti, Tantra, Thai Massage, Pranic Healing and Shamanism, Saul’s heart-centered approach to has influenced students and teachers around the world. He is able to bring alive the ancient wisdom teachings for modern seekers and create a safe space for people to connect deeply with their own authentic power, spirit and truth. He has taught and performed music at festivals and healing centers around the world and continues to share his work through online programs, teacher trainings, workshops, sacred journeys + retreats & sacred music.
Masood Ali Khan
Masood Ali Khan
Masood will be co-leading the Men’s inner work sessions and sharing movement, shadow work, NLP and music based healing sessions through the week.
Masood was born in London UK with Indian/Muslim parents. Masood has been practicing yoga for over 30 years, and embodies an innate spiritual desire to help humanity with every talent. In deep study and training with Shadow work men’s groups and coed groups with Robert Augustus Masters.
Masood studied and practiced Acupuncture and homeopathy and received his PhD at the Open International University of Complementary Medicine in Colombo, Sri Lanka where he was also was head of the faculty for Universal Energy healing.
Zat Baraka Elias
Zat will be co-leading the Mens Inner work sessions during the week as well as sharing movement, breathwork and meditation.
For over twenty-five years he has been dedicated to intensive men’s deep inner work, men’s groups, and the men’s growth movement. He has radically affected thousands of men across the globe with his cutting-edge men’s work.
His mission is to challenge men to experience the mature masculine, not as an abstract philosophy, but as an embodied knowledge through living as authentic, empowered, activated, and compassionate men.
He is the founder of Men’s Wisdom Work and co-creator of the highly respected New Masculine Program.
Guest Facilitators
Christian Depriest
Christian Depriest
Christian Depriest will be leading a breathwork session during the week and sharing his insight and experiences with others.
Chris is the co-founder and director of Pura Vida Wellness retreat. He is dedicated student and practitioner of transformational breath work. With a background in the Financial world, Chris experienced profound life-changing experiences through the practices of Breathwork and Yoga and he has since dedcated his life to healing others experience these practices.
Rodrigo Ballester
Rodrigo Ballester
Rodrigo Ballester will be leading us in the Temescal ceremonys and offering his wisdom through many years on the Shaman’s path.
Rodrigo was born in Jalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. Of mestizo origin and coming from a Catholic family, from an early age he experienced what can be understood as mystical ecstasies or calls of the spirit. Between dreams and circumstances related to spiritual sensitivity and purity of being; rebellious, in his personal seek-and-find nature, and inclined toward the fine arts; walking as a couple and become a father.
Over time Rodrigo has been cultivating learning and instructions from various teachers, which now allow him to share with the best of him and his walk through this life, something from the world of healing in the American continent.
He currently continues to prepare himself, learning and cultivating his relationship with various medicines and techniques, but above all he continues to refine his way of walking through this existence, in the attempt to do it in peace and harmony.
• Dates are Sunday October 27 – November 2
• Cost for the week will range from $1850 to $2600 /Deposit is $1200.
See below for room options and pricing.
Cuisine – Fresh, prepared in open air kitchen, mostly organic, vegetarian with some raw food and fish or chicken available. Prepared with LOVE by the staff of Pura Vida. Smoothies also available.
Location – this program will be held at the Pura Vida retreat center in Yelapa, Mexico. Yelapa is rare jewel, truly a place of natural beautiful, raw nature, where the river meets the sea. A one hour boat ride from ( south) of Puerto Vallarta (there are no cars in Yelapa).
Arrival + Departure:
Fly into Puerto Vallarta international Airport (PVR.
From the airport it will take a short taxi ride to the los Muertos pier and from there you will take a water taxi ride to Yelapa.
Arrival on October 27. We will begin with dinner at 7pm and evening circle.
You may arrive earlier, it may be possible to stay at the retreat center. Please inquire for details.
Program ends late morning on Nov 2.
Arrival flight try to arrive before 4 pm and departure after 12 pm. These are just suggestions to make travel to and from the retreat center easier.
You may also be able to arrive a day or two early and stay a day or two after. Please check with the retreat center for availability.
You need a valid passport for Mexico. And for most places no visa is needed but please check with your local Consulate.
Highlights include:
A week of conscious connection, community, support and innerwork in a beautiful and powerful natural setting.
An experienced group of facilitators with over a 100 years of experience • A Sacred Temazcal fire ceremony
And optional traditional rapé ceremony, a one-day vision quest on a deserted beach, and dedicated time for silence and contemplation.
This retreat will challenge you to find inner strength, courage, softness, and compassion.
A time to truly be yourself, reconnect with the fire in your heart,and embrace the sacred masculine presence within you.
Daily Activities Include:
Daily Embodiment / Healing Movement Practice
Daily Sunrise Meditation + Breathwork + Prayer
Ceremony: Temazcal Fire Ceremony with Rodrigo Balleste
Relational Intimacy Work through: NLP, Communication Skills & Behavior Patterns
Shadow Work Practices & Integration
Transformational Breathwork Practices: To improve mental, physical, and spiritual well being, energize, heal, relax, and release emotional blockages.
Daily Inner Work Sessions: Individual and group practice in a judgment free and deeply supportive environment, focusing on core issues, healing, and empowerment.
Men’s Emotional Work: Tools and practices for connecting with, working with, and transforming powerful emotional energies.
Power of Sound, Music & Mantra Chanting: Saul, Zat, & Masood are all musicians who integrate music, sound, and chant into their work, including drumming, toning, chant, group rhythm practices, and dance. Please feel free to bring a drum or instrument along for group practice.
Bodywork: Group bodywork healing practices & one to one sessions available.
Integrity + Integration: Working with the alignment and alchemy of the Hara, Heart, and Head.
Life Philosophy + Sacred Relationship with Life: Practicing a sacred relationship with life and all relations.
Cultivating the Power of the Heart: Practices, teachings, and techniques to strengthen the heart energy and develop deeper courage, compassion, and resilience.
Longevity Practices: Explore and learn practices that cultivate Prana (life energy) to increase health and longevity at any age.
Vision Quest / Adventure: A one day pilgrimage by boat to a deserted beach.
Mother Nature + Elemental Healing: Enjoy a powerful and beautiful natural setting, with private locations, solitude, and time in nature.
• We are offering a $100 discount to the 1st 10 men who commit to the program.
• We have a few partial scholarships for men who would like to join us and are experiencing financial difficulties. Please only ask for this if you really need it as there are only a few spaces available for this.
Price below include; 6 nights accoomdation, all meals { except 1 meal in town}, full program of classes, temescal fire cermeony, group excursion boat ride.
Does not include; Airfare, water taxi {$25}, personal healing sessions, extra purchases
Payment plans available, please contact for more info.
• For More Info & Photos of the Retreat Center please visit their website – HERE
• Trip Advisor has more photos and reviews – HERE
To Register:
• Contact either Saul, Zat or Masood
• Deposit will hold your space { 1 payment of $1200 or 2 payments of $600}
• Participants will be responsible for all fees on payments.
• Payment plans are available, contact us to make arrangements.
For registration you can pay the deposit here {1 payment $1200 or 2 payments of $600}
Please specify Men’s Mexico retreat 2024 deposit.
310. 990 .2717
The Early Bird pricing ends Sept 27th 2024. (After this date the price increases $400.)
Room Options
Shared Room 3-4 men – 4 spaces available
Big spacious open air room with private bathroom and sleeping loft.
Room 1
Open Air Double Room – 4 rooms available
Larger open air private room with 2 queen beds, private bathroom, great view of either ocean or Jungle.
Rooms 3,5,7, 9, 12
Open Air Private Room – 4 rooms available
Smaller open air private room with private bathroom, great view.
Room 2, 11, 13 & 14
A/C Room Shared Double- 2 rooms available
Larger A/C ROOM with 2 queen beds, private bathroom, balcony and good view. A/c option or open windows.
Rooms 4 & 10
A/C – Private – 2 rooms available
Small, Private room with private bathroom, balcony and amazing view. A/c option or open windows.
Rooms 17 & 18
Deluxe King Room – 1 room available
Larger A/C room with private bathroom, large deck and 2 beds.
1 king and 1 queen.
When you purchase you will receive an email with the link to download.
You feel hear the jungle crickets where this was recorded.
Om Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Svaha
Masood Ali Khan ©